Possible Carnoustie Green Circular Footpath Project?
Having successfully installed lighting along the seafront footpath and in the railway underpass tunnels, as well as interpretation boards about the flora and fauna to be found and seen along the seafront footpath and in the rockpools, Carnoustie Community Development Trust has been considering options for its next Carnoustie based project and has begun to develop plans for signposting a green circular path network around the outskirts of Carnoustie. At this stage the Trust is looking at signposting a route using the same style of signs as were designed and used for the Town Heritage Trail. It is anticipated that at later stages, we might add interpretation material about the flora and fauna along the pathway, again using the style of interpretation board we installed along the seafront.
This is of course all subject to CCDT being able to attract grant funding and as most grant funders look for evidence that there is local support for a project, the Trust is keen to canvas views from as wide a range of local organisations and individuals as possible as to whether there is local support for such a project.
Please take the time to look at the proposal attached below and indicate whether or not you would like the Trust to pursue plans for a green circular paths network by e-mailing your comments to info@carnoustiecdt.org.uk
Carnoustie Town Trail Extension Abridged